Wednesday, November 2, 2016

K. Hunter Goff Elder Law Scholarship 7/31/17

K. Hunter Goff Elder Law Scholarship
My name is Taylor and I'm working with the Law Office of K. Hunter Goff in Orlando, Florida. I previously sent an email to your school about Attorney Goff's Bankruptcy/Consumer Rights Scholarship in September. We have already had an amazing response from your students and other schools across the state.
With how many students are applying to the scholarship, we wanted to offer another, completely separate scholarship that your students can apply to. We are pleased to announce the K. Hunter Goff Elder Law Scholarship. It is now available for your students to apply to it right away, so if you would also be willing to spread the word about this opportunity, we would be very grateful.
Criteria: Applicant must be attending college by Fall 2017 and have at least a 3.0 GPA. They must be interested pursuing a law-related degree.
Deadline: July 31, 2017
Award Amount: $500
Application: Only online applications will be accepted. The application can be found here:
We would love to have your students apply for the scholarship. Is there any way you can help us spread the word about this scholarship and make it easier for your students to apply by posting the link to the application on your site? Please let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Have a great day!

Taylor Whitehead
OBO Law Office of K. Hunter Goff, P.A.

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