Monday, November 6, 2017

Ford Salute to Education

Ford Salute to Education
Must be a Senior; weighted GPA of 3.0 or above; participation in at least one school organization/activity or one area of community service; legal resident in the US and Miami-Dade County. Leadership, achievement, character, financial need, and the individual’s use of these traits in service to his or her school and the community are also given consideration. May apply in ONE of the following 4 categories: Athletics, Arts (Foreign Language, Language Arts, Performing Arts and Visual Arts) Leadership/Service,  and Science. 100 recipients receive $1,500 and is to be used ONLY FOR TUITION AND OTHER EDUCATIONAL RELATED FEES.   (There will be 11 recipients per category, each receiving a scholarship of $1,000.). Apply online at and create a username and password.  

The application period for the 2017-2018 Salute to Education Scholarship will begin on November 1st.
Deadline to submit the application online is February 5, 2018 at midnight

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